The great thing about corny jokes and puns is that you can find them for just about every occasion. Case in point, the gambling industry. After all, casino gambling and sports betting is all about fun and games. That particular industry is exploding right now because of a diverse collection of betting sites that offer a huge selection of betting markets and great promotions for new users. In recognition of this booming industry, we wanted to share some of our favorite jokes and puns about the world of gambling and sports betting.
- What has a heart but no organs? A deck of cards
- What’s the difference between online poker and live poker? You can cry after a bad beat online and nobody can see you.
- What’s the difference between poker players and politicians? Politicians tell the truth.
- Why can’t pirates play poker? Because they’re standing on the deck.
- What do vampires play poker for? High stakes.
- How do you get a professional poker player off your porch? Pay him for the pizza.
- Do you hear about the sarcastic poker player? He was a real eye-roller.
- Why are large maps bad poker players? They always fold.
- What do you call a professional poker player who just broke up with his girlfriend? Homeless.
- Chuck Norris won the World Series of Poker using Pokemon cards.
- The tiger was mad after losing at poker and claims he’ll never play with a cheetah again.
- Did you hear about the guy who was asked to leave the casino? He had a chip on his shoulder.
- The casino was so loud I couldn’t even hear my own slots.
- I was up all night playing poker. Now I need a full house to sleep.
- I promised my wife I’d stop gambling? Then I made a bet that she wouldn’t believe me.
- I never gamble with electricity. It always has a shocking ending.
- If you’ve seen one casino, you’ve seen a mall.
- I met a joker at the card table. He had a wild hand and a great poker face.
- Why did the fish lose at poker? He was playing with a shark.
- I know a poker player who is a baker. He’s great at folding.
- Why did the poker player go to the bar? To get a royal flush.
- My dog likes poker. But he always wags his tail when he has a good hand.
- Why did the poker player need a blanket? The deck was getting cold.
- The doctor made a surprisingly good poker player. It must be because he’s used to dealing with hearts.
- I enjoy slot machines. There is always a “reel” chance to win.
- Did you hear about the slot machine that went back to school? It really improved its payouts.
- I bet on a great horse the other day. It took seven others to beat him.
- Why do horses eat with their mouths open? They have poor stable manners.
- Why are race horses so fit? They’re always in stable condition.
- Why can’t you trust race horses? They always try to stirrup trouble.
- What is a race horse’s favorite meal? Fast food.
- I told my horse a gambling joke. He said to “Quit horsing around.”
- What sport do race horses bet on? Stable tennis.
- What do you call a race horse that’s been around the world? A globetrotter.
- My race horse had a short career. He always wanted to hit the hay early.
Hi there, I’m Alexander the owner of I created this website to inject some humor into your life. I have a passion for laughter, and I’m certain you do too. Let’s exchange jokes, puns, and amusing nicknames together. Let’s fill every moment with joy.