300+ The Last Of Us Puns and Jokes!


Surviving in a post-apocalyptic world can be tough, but a good sense of humor can make even the darkest times a bit brighter. Here, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 300+ last of us puns and jokes inspired by “The Last of Us.

” From clever wordplay to hilarious proverbs, these jokes will keep you laughing as you navigate through the challenges of a world turned upside down.

The Last Of Us Puns & Jokes – Top Picks: Surviving Laughter in a Post-Apocalyptic World

  • Why don’t Clickers make good friends? Because they always give you an earful!
  • What did Ellie say when she tripped? “Guess I Joel-d down!”
  • Why did the Firefly fail the music test? Because they couldn’t carry a tune, but they sure knew how to beat a drum!
  • How does Joel fix a broken guitar? With a glue-cifer!
  • Why did the Infected go to school? To improve their bite-grades!
  • What do you call a clever Clicker? A brainiac!
  • How do you make an Infected laugh? Tickle their funny spores!
  • Why was Joel always calm in stressful situations? Because he was a Fungi under pressure!
  • What’s Ellie’s favorite type of story? Spore-y tales!
What's Ellie's favorite type of story Spore-y tales
  • Why did the survivor refuse to fight? Because they didn’t want to get into a tussle!
  • What’s Joel’s favorite type of exercise? Jumping to conclusions!
  • Why don’t Bloaters make good party guests? Because they’re always blowing up the room!
  • How did Ellie fix her broken knife? With a sharp eye for detail!
  • What do you call an Infected with good manners? Polite-ers!
  • Why did Ellie bring a ladder to the party? To take things to the next level!
  • What do you call a Clicker who can sing? An a-ca-pocalypse!
  • Why did Joel and Ellie start a band? Because they had a lot of hits!
  • How do Infected stay cool in the summer? With a fan-tastic attitude!
  • Why did the survivor go to art school? To become a crafty person!
  • What do you call a friendly Infected? A happy host!
  • Why did Ellie write a book? She had a lot of novel ideas!
  • What’s Joel’s favorite type of math? Addition, because he’s always adding to the group!
  • Why do Clickers make terrible chefs? They always overdo the brains!
  • What’s a Bloater’s favorite game? Hide and Seek-er!
  • How do survivors stay fit? By running from trouble!

The Last of Us: Saving the World One Joke at a Time

  • Why did Joel open a bakery? He wanted to make the best bread in the apocalypse!
  • How did Ellie react when she saw a ghost? She said, “You’ve ghost to be kidding me!”
  • What’s Joel’s favorite instrument? A banjo-el!
  • Why did the Infected start a band? They wanted to rock the apocalypse!
  • How do Clickers ask for help? They click for attention!
  • What did the Firefly say to the moon? “You light up my night!”
  • Why don’t Bloaters play sports? They can’t stop popping!
  • How did Ellie win the race? She had a head start!
  • What’s Joel’s favorite dessert? Custard’s Last Stand!
  • Why did the survivor take up painting? To add some color to their life!
  • What do you call a Clicker who tells jokes? A punny zombie!
  • How do Bloaters keep in shape? By doing lots of explosive workouts!
  • What did Joel say to the lazy Infected? “Stop sporing around!”
  • Why did Ellie join the drama club? She loved playing different roles!
  • What’s a Clicker’s favorite hobby? Crochet-ing confusion!
  • How did Joel solve the puzzle? With a lot of piece of mind!
  • Why did the Infected become a gardener? They had a knack for growing things!
  • What do you call a Bloater who can dance? A smooth mover!
  • How did Ellie fix the broken radio? With some tuned-in patience!
  • Why don’t Clickers read books? They can’t turn the pages!
  • What did Joel say tfit through!”
  • Why did the Infected start a comedy club? They wanted to spread the laughs!
  • How do survivors relax? By chilling out and reloading!
  • What’s Ellie’s favorite fruit? Post-apoca-lips!
  • Why did the Firefly join the talent show? They had a bright idea!

Kid Around With Puns & Jokes

Surviving the Apocalypse with Hilarious Wisdom: Funny Proverbs & Wise Sayings about The Last Of Us

  • “A Clicker in the hand is worth two in the bush.”
  • “Don’t count your Fireflies before they hatch.”
  • “Every cloud has a spore lining.”
  • “Better late than infected.”
  • “A stitch in time saves spores.”
  • “You can’t make an omelette without cracking some Infected.”
  • “Actions speak louder than growls.”
  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step away from Clickers.”
  • “Necessity is the mother of invention, especially in the apocalypse.”
  • “The early survivor catches the safe zone.”
  • “When life gives you Clickers, make noise and run!”
  • “The pen is mightier than the sword, unless you’re fighting Infected.”
  • “You can’t judge a Bloater by its cover.”
  • “A survivor is known by the company they keep.”
  • “Where there’s smoke, there’s a Molotov cocktail.”
  • “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.”
  • “Silence is golden, unless you’re hiding from Clickers.”
  • “One man’s trash is another man’s survival kit.”
  • “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”
  • “Don’t put all your ammo in one basket.”
  • “When the going gets tough, the tough get crafting.”
  • “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
  • “There’s no place like safe zone.”
  • “A friend in need is a friend indeed, especially in a zombie apocalypse.”
  • “Two heads are better than one, unless one is a Clicker.”

Surviving QnA: Jokes & Puns about ‘The Last Of Us’ to Keep You Laughing During the Apocalypse

  • Q: Why don’t Infected play hide and seek? A: Because good luck hiding from a Clicker!
  • Q: What did Ellie say to cheer up Joel? A: “Chin up, we’re not in a Clicker!”
  • Q: Why don’t Clickers use smartphones? A: They can’t handle screens!
  • Q: What’s Joel’s favorite type of shoes? A: Sneak-ers!
  • Q: How do you stay calm during a zombie attack? A: Take a deep breath and don’t make any noise!
  • Q: What’s a Firefly’s favorite game? A: Flashlight tag!
  • Q: How did the survivor pass the time in quarantine? A: They click-ed through old photos!
  • Q: Why did Ellie bring a flashlight to bed? A: Because she was afraid of the dark.
  • Q: How does Joel stay organized? A: He keeps a checklist.
  • Q: Why did the Infected break up with their partner? A: They just weren’t feeling it anymore!
  • Q: What’s a Clicker’s favorite food? A: Anything flesh!
  • Q: How do survivors send secret messages? A: They use cryptic notes!
  • Q: Why did the Bloater get promoted? A: They were bursting with potential!
  • Q: How do you make an Infected angry? A: Tell them they’ve got a fungus problem!
  • Q: What did Ellie name her pet dog? A: Sparky!
Q: What did Ellie name her pet dog A: Sparky
  • Q: Why don’t Bloaters play cards? A: They always explode when they lose!
  • Q: What’s Joel’s favorite time of day? A: Dusk, because it’s the safest time to move! 
  • Q: Why did Ellie become a comedian? A: Because she had a killer sense of humor!
  • Q: What’s the most important skill in the apocalypse? A: The ability to adapt
  • Q: How do you keep a Clicker happy? A: Give them a good hearing
  • Q: Why did the survivor start gardening? A: To grow their own food and stay alive! 
  • Q: What’s a Clicker’s least favorite activity? A: Reading a map!
  • Q: Why did Joel refuse to play chess with the Infected? A: Because they always went for the brain!
  • Q: How does Ellie keep her spirits high? A: By telling herself positive stories!
  • Q: What do you call a survivor who can’t stop telling jokes? A: Pun-ishingly funny!

Surviving the Dad Jokes & Puns about ‘The Last Of Us’: A Post-Apocalyptic Comedy Adventure

  • What did the Infected say to the doctor? “I feel a bit fungal today!”
  • Why don’t Clickers go to the beach? They hate the **sun-**burn!
  • How does Joel keep track of supplies? With a note-book!
  • Why did Ellie cross the road? To avoid the Clicker!
  • What do you call a zombie with a sense of direction? Lost!
  • Why did the Infected become an artist? They wanted to draw out the infection!
  • What do you call a well-read survivor? Book-smart!
  • Why don’t Bloaters use elevators? They prefer to take the stairs.
  • What’s Joel’s favorite kind of music? Rock and roll, with an emphasis on roll!
  • How do survivors stay cool? By staying hydrated and in the shade!
  • Why did the Clicker fail school? They couldn’t hear the lessons!
  • What’s Ellie’s favorite type of tea? Survival-Tea!
  • Why don’t Infected ever win races? They always get tripped up!
  • What did the Bloater say at the talent show? “I’m about to blow your mind!”
  • How does Joel fix broken tools? With a little duct tape and a lot of hope!
  • Why did Ellie go to the library? To get some apocalypse-books!
  • What do you call an Infected who loves jokes? A pun-king!
  • Why don’t Clickers play video games? They can’t handle the click of the controls!
  • How do survivors celebrate birthdays? With a cake-down!
  • Why did the Firefly sing at night? To show they had a bright future!
  • How do you scare a Clicker? Just scream!
  • What’s Joel’s favorite snack? Jerky – it’s tough like him!
  • Why did Ellie start a garden? To get a little piece of the apocalypse!
  • What’s the Infected’s favorite exercise? Push-ups, because they always push through!
  • How do Bloaters prepare for a fight? By getting their explosive personality ready!

Surviving the Apocalypse with ‘The Last Of Us’ Double Entendres Puns – The Ultimate Defense Against Boredom

  • Why did Joel take up baking? To rise to the occasion!
  • How does Ellie like her steak? Well done, like her survival skills!
  • Why don’t Clickers need watches? Because they live in the moment!
  • What’s a Bloater’s favorite room? The living room!
  • How did Ellie respond to a compliment? She said, “I’m infected with happiness!”
  • Why did the Infected start a newspaper? To spread the word!
  • What do you call Joel after a good night’s sleep? Well-rested!
  • How does Ellie stay cool under pressure? She’s as chill as ice!
  • Why did Joel plant a tree? To leave a lasting impression!
  • How does a Clicker tell time? By the sound of silence!
  • Why did the Firefly become a musician? They had a burning passion!
  • What’s Joel’s favorite game? Hide and seek, without the seek!
  • How do Bloaters enjoy their downtime? By blowing off steam!
  • What did Ellie say when she found supplies? “This is a real find!”
  • Why don’t Clickers tell secrets? They can’t keep a lid on it!
  • How does Joel describe his journey? A long and winding road!
  • What’s a survivor’s favorite kind of clothing? Durable gear!
  • How do survivors start their day? With a bang!
  • Why did the Infected get a job? To feel a bit more human!
  • How does Ellie handle stress? She cuts through it!
  • Why did Joel write a book? To share his story!
  • What’s a Clicker’s favorite hobby? Listening to the rustle of leaves!
  • Why don’t Bloaters make good friends? They’re always blowing up!
  • What did Ellie say to motivate Joel? “Keep going, we’re almost there!”
  • How do survivors stay entertained? With some explosive humor!

Surviving Laughs: Recursive Puns about The Last Of Us

  • Why did Joel bring a notebook? To take notes on surviving the apocalypse!
  • How does Ellie stay sharp? By always thinking on her feet!
  • Why do Clickers love the dark? Because they’re naturally attracted to shadows!
  • How did the Infected find humor? By looking in the dark corners!
  • What’s Joel’s advice for a bad day? “Stay positive and keep moving forward!”
  • Why did Ellie start a journal? To document her survival stories!
  • How do survivors share secrets? Through whispered tales!
  • Why do Bloaters avoid crowds? Because they’re always bursting with energy!
  • What’s a Clicker’s idea of fun? Echoes in the dark!
  • How does Ellie brighten her day? With a spark of hope!
  • What do you call Joel after a good meal? Well-fed and ready!
  • How do survivors unwind? By sharing old war stories!
  • Why did the Infected start a dance troupe? To show they can still move!
  • What’s Joel’s mantra? “Survive and thrive!”
  • Why don’t Clickers need alarms? They’re always alert!
  • How does Ellie keep her spirits high? By staying upbeat!
  • Why did the survivor write a letter? To keep in touch with their past!
Why did the survivor write a letter
  • How do Bloaters prepare for action? By gearing up!
  • What’s a Clicker’s favorite sound? The silence of survival!
  • How does Joel describe his adventures? As a journey of resilience!
  • Why did Ellie take up singing? To echo her thoughts!
  • How do survivors stay focused? By keeping their eyes on the prize!
  • Why did the Infected become storytellers? To share their unique perspective!
  • What’s Joel’s advice for tough times? “Keep fighting and never give up!”
  • How does Ellie deal with fear? By facing it head-on!

Surviving Humor: The Last of Us’ Juxtaposition Jokes

  • What do you call a Clicker with good manners? A polite apocalypse!
  • Why did Joel bring an umbrella? To weather the storm!
  • How does Ellie find light in the darkness? By being a beacon of hope!
  • What’s a survivor’s favorite snack? Anything they can scavenge!
  • Why do Bloaters avoid small spaces? They’re too explosive for confinement!
  • How did Joel learn patience? By surviving through the toughest times!
  • Why did Ellie study maps? To navigate the chaos!
  • What’s Joel’s favorite season? Fall, because it’s the time to harvest survival skills!
  • Why did the Infected go to the beach? To catch a breath of fresh spores!
  • How does Ellie handle pressure? By staying calm and collected!
  • What’s a Clicker’s least favorite sound? The sound of silence breaking!
  • How do survivors stay warm? By staying close to the fire!
  • Why did Joel plant flowers? To add beauty to the apocalypse!
  • How does Ellie stay strong? By always looking forward!
  • What’s a Bloater’s favorite activity? Blowing up obstacles!
  • Why did the survivor take up knitting? To weave their way through tough times!
  • What’s Joel’s favorite kind of weather? Clear skies for better visibility!
  • Why did Ellie learn to sew? To stitch together the pieces of survival!
  • How does Joel stay grounded? By keeping his feet firmly on the ground!
  • What’s a Clicker’s idea of a good time? A quiet night without interruptions!
  • How do survivors stay hopeful? By finding joy in the little things!
  • Why did the Infected start a garden? To cultivate a new beginning!
  • How does Ellie inspire others? By leading with courage!
  • What’s Joel’s secret to survival? Staying one step ahead!
  • How do survivors find peace? By embracing the silence!

Hilarious Gun Puns And Joke

The Last of Us’ Malapropisms: Causing Hilarity in a Post-Apocalyptic World

  • Joel: “We need to ration our bullets.” Ellie: “You mean our ‘rational’ thinking?”
  • Survivor: “I’m feeling really infected today.” Joel: “I think you mean ‘affected’!”
  • Clicker: “I can’t stand the scent of humans.” Survivor: “I believe you meant ‘stench’, not ‘scent’.”
  • Joel: “Let’s scout the area for supplies.” Ellie: “You mean ‘scour’, right?”
  • Survivor: “I’m trying to avoid ‘collateral’ damage.” Joel: “You mean ‘collateral’, not ‘carnal’.”
  • Ellie: “I’m feeling really ‘violated’ today.” Joel: “I think you meant ‘violence’, Ellie.”
  • Clicker: “I’m ‘nurturing’ some doubts about our survival.” Survivor: “I think you meant ‘nursing’ doubts.”
  • Joel: “We need to stay ‘flexible’ in our approach.” Ellie: “You mean ‘vigilant’, right?”
  • Survivor: “I’m having trouble with my ‘mental’ stability.” Joel: “You mean ‘metal’, like toughness.”
  • Clicker: “I’m ‘disgusted’ with these living conditions.” Ellie: “I think you meant ‘discussed’, not ‘disgusted’.”
  • Joel: “Let’s ‘persevere’ through these tough times.” Survivor: “You mean ‘preserve’, right?”
  • Ellie: “I’m ‘burdened’ by all this pressure.” Joel: “You mean ‘burned’, like under pressure?”
  • Survivor: “I’m ‘stationary’ in my opinions.” Clicker: “I think you meant ‘steadfast’, right?”
  • Joel: “We need to ‘elevate’ our strategy.” Ellie: “You mean ‘innovate’, Joel?”
  • Survivor: “I’m ‘determined’ to find a way out.” Joel: “You mean ‘doomed’, like determined?”
  • Clicker: “I’m ‘confused’ by all these options.” Ellie: “You mean ‘consumed’, right?”
  • Joel: “Let’s ‘validate’ our approach before moving forward.” Survivor: “You mean ‘evaluate’, Joel?”
  • Ellie: “I’m ‘transcended’ by all these challenges.” Joel: “You mean ‘transfixed’, Ellie?”
  • Survivor: “I’m ‘invested’ in finding a cure.” Ellie: “You mean ‘infested’, like invested?”
  • Joel: “We need to ‘alienate’ ourselves from danger.” Clicker: “You mean ‘alleviate’, right?”
  • Survivor: “I’m ‘obtaining’ my focus on the task.” Joel: “You mean ‘maintaining’, like focus?”
  • Ellie: “I’m ‘infuriated’ by these setbacks.” Survivor: “You mean ‘frustrated’, Ellie?”
  • Joel: “Let’s ‘stimulate’ our minds with a plan.” Clicker: “You mean ‘formulate’, Joel?”
  • Survivor: “I’m ‘stationed’ in my resolve.” Joel: “You mean ‘steadfast’, right?”
  • Clicker: “I’m ‘frustrated’ with this situation.” Ellie: “You mean ‘fascinated’, not ‘frustrated’.”

The Last Of Us’ Tom Swifties’ Bring Endless Laughter and Adventure!

  • “We need to find more supplies,” said Joel suppli-catedly.
  • “I can handle any Infected,” Ellie said infectediously.
  • “We must be stealthy,” Joel whispered stealthily.
  • “I can’t believe we made it out alive!” Ellie exclaimed alively.
  • “This situation calls for caution,” Joel said cautiously.
  • “I’m ready for anything,” Ellie said readyly.
  • “We need to keep moving,” Joel said movingly.
  • “I hope we find some food soon,” Ellie said food-cally.
  • “That was a close call,” Joel said call-mly.
  • “We need to find a way across,” Ellie said cross-ly.
  • “We’ll make it through this,” Joel said through-ly.
  • “I think we’re being followed,” Ellie said follow-ingly.
  • “We’ll find a way,” Joel said way-ingly.
  • “I’m tired of running,” Ellie said run-ningly.
  • “We need to find shelter,” Joel said shelterly.
  • “This place gives me the creeps,” Ellie said creep-ily.
  • “I can’t believe we survived that,” Joel said survive-ly.
  • “We need to be careful,” Ellie said care-fully.
  • “I’ll watch your back,” Joel said back-ly.
  • “We need to find a better weapon,” Ellie said weapon-ingly.
  • “We’ll figure something out,” Joel said figure-ingly.
  • “We need to find higher ground,” Ellie said high-ly.
  • “I think we lost them,” Joel said lost-ly.
  • “We need to rest for a bit,” Ellie said rest-fully.
  • “We’ll find a way to beat this,” Joel said beat-ingly.

Surviving with Laughter: Spoonerisms about The Last Of Us

  • “That Bloater is a real Blow Tater!”
  • “Did you hear Joel’s Pun Last?”
  • “Ellie is quite the Smile Drafter!”
  • “The Clicker’s Rack Hike was unexpected!”
  • “Joel’s Pike Grunt is legendary!”
  • “Watch out for that Lighter Fite!”
  • “Ellie’s Soot Trocks are impressive!”
  • “The Infected’s Runny Beak scared me!”
  • “Joel’s Riffted Kucks are handy!”
  • “Did you see Ellie’s Toe See?”
  • “That Clicker’s Cage Dab was strange!”
  • “Watch out for the Croff Lowns!”
  • “Joel’s Hose Patches saved us!”
  • “Ellie’s Caffy Gore was heroic!”
  • “The Infected’s Wack Mound surprised me!”
  • “Did you feel Joel’s Dive Knoll?”
  • “Watch out for that Tall Baker!”
  • “Ellie’s Light Spot is useful!”
  • “The Clicker’s Full Moon scared me!”
  • “Joel’s Muff Knife was quick!”
  • “Ellie’s Plick and Crocks are useful!”
  • “The Infected’s Hick and Rice surprised me!”
  • “Joel’s Boot Blat was loud!”
  • “Watch out for that Crow Flub!”
Watch out for that Crow Flub
  • “Ellie’s Candy Pick was sweet!”

Survive Some Chuckles with Knock-knock Jokes about The Last Of Us

  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Joel. Joel who? Joel my heart with your bravery!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ellie. Ellie who? Ellie-mentary, my dear survivor!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Clicker. Clicker who? Clicker you go first, I’m scared!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Survivor. Survivor who? Survivor these tough times, we’ll make it!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Infected. Infected who? Infected the world with laughter!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Joel. Joel who? Joel your strength inspires me!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ellie. Ellie who? Ellie-ments of survival are key!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Clicker. Clicker who? Clicker you’ve got me on edge!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Survivor. Survivor who? Survivor this, we’ll find a way!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Infected. Infected who? Infected by the humor of survival!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Joel. Joel who? Joel-d onto hope!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ellie. Ellie who? Ellie-gant in your resilience!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Clicker. Clicker who? Clicker you keep me safe!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Survivor. Survivor who? Survivor of the fittest!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Infected. Infected who? Infected by your bravery!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Joel. Joel who? Joel-ly good job surviving!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ellie. Ellie who? Ellie-vating the mood with jokes!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Clicker. Clicker who? Clicker with me, we’ll make it through!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Survivor. Survivor who? Survivor all, we’ll stick together!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Infected. Infected who? Infected with humor!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Joel. Joel who? Joel-lous of your courage!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ellie. Ellie who? Ellie-gant in your survival skills!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Clicker. Clicker who? Clicker and you’ll hear me laugh!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Survivor. Survivor who? Survivor of the funniest jokes!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Infected. Infected who? Infected by your resilience!


The article is a comprehensive collection of over 300 jokes and puns inspired by “The Last of Us.” These jokes range from clever wordplay to humorous proverbs and witty one-liners, all themed around the game’s post-apocalyptic world.

The jokes aim to bring a bit of light-heartedness and humor to the otherwise dark and intense atmosphere of the game.

 The variety includes puns, knock-knock jokes, spoonerisms, and Tom Swifties, making sure there’s something for everyone. The jokes often play on the game’s characters, settings, and situations, providing fans with a fun and engaging way to connect with the game. 

Whether you’re a seasoned survivor or new to the world of “The Last of Us,” these jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face and make surviving the apocalypse a bit more entertaining.

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