100+ Submarine Puns, Jokes And One-Liners I 2024

Get ready to dive deep into a world of submarine humor with over 100+ punny jokes, one-liners, and jokes! 🚢💬 Whether you’re a navy enthusiast or just love a good laugh, these submarine-themed jokes are sure to make a splash! So, grab your periscope and get ready to explore the depths of laughter with these submerged jokes! 🌊😄

Funny Submarine Puns

  • What did the submarine say to the ocean? “You’re deep.”
  • Why did the submarine bring a ladder? In case it wanted to reach new depths.
  • What do you call a funny submarine? A sub-mare-ine!
  • Why did the submarine blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom.
  • How does a submarine keep in touch with the surface? It makes waves.
  • Why did the submarine bring a map? To navigate through deep waters.
  • What do you get when you cross a submarine with a computer? A USB port-hole!
  • Why did the submarine go to ? It had too much pressure.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite TV show? “Seinfeld” – it’s about nothing!
  • Why was the submarine always tired? It had too many “under-the-sea” parties.
  • What did the submarine wear to the party? A wetsuit!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite dessert? Depth charges!
  • Why did the submarine go to school? To improve its navigation skills.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite kind of music? Anything with a good beat!
  • Why did the submarine refuse to fight? It was too pacific.
  • What do you call a submarine with a bad attitude? A sub-par!
  • Why did the submarine bring a pencil? To draw sketches of underwater life.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite game? Depth-chess!
  • Why did the submarine become a teacher? It wanted to school fish.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite movie? “The Hunt for Red October”!
  • Why did the submarine break up with its girlfriend? She kept saying, “You’re too deep for me.”
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite place to shop? The depth store!
What's a submarine's favorite place to shop? The depth store!
  • Why did the submarine get stuck? It took a wrong tern!
  • What did the submarine say to the iceberg? “You’re a cool dude.”
  • Why did the submarine join the choir? It had a great depth of voice.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite hobby? Sub-merging!
  • Why did the submarine go to the beach? It wanted to see some submarines in bikini bottoms.
  • What did the submarine say to the fish? “I’m hooked on you.”
  • Why did the submarine become a comedian? It had a lot of depth in its humor.
  • What do you call a sad submarine? A sub-merged!
  • Why did the submarine go to the library? To check out some “deep” literature.
  • What did the submarine say to the octopus? “You’ve got a lot of arms, but I’ve got a lot of depth.”
  • Why did the submarine get a job as a DJ? It liked to make waves!
  • What do you call a submarine that tells jokes? A pun-derwater vessel!
  • Why did the submarine refuse to swim? It didn’t want to dive into anything too deep.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite dance move? The dive-and-twist!
  • What do you call a submarine that’s always late? A tardy sub!
  • Why did the submarine go to the gym? It wanted to work on its sea legs.
  • What did the submarine say when it found treasure? “I’ve struck gold, matey!”

Funny Submarine Jokes

  • Why did the submarine blush? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom.
  • What do you call a submarine that tells jokes? A sub-humoring!
  • Why don’t submarines ever make good comedians? Because they always seem to miss the punchline.
  • How does a submarine propose to its girlfriend? With a ring of seaweed, of course!
  • What do you call a submarine that’s afraid of the dark? A scaredy-boat.
  • Why did the submarine break up with its girlfriend? She was too shallow for him.
  • Why did the submarine bring a ladder to the ocean? It wanted to reach the top of the food chain!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite TV show? “The Deep Blue Sea-dventure.”
  • How does a submarine keep in touch with its friends? Through a “sea-mail” system.
  • What did the submarine say to the ocean? “You’re looking very ‘depth’-able today!”
  • Why did the submarine refuse to play hide and seek? Because it always gets caught in the currents.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite type of sandwich? A sub-marine sandwich, of course!
  • Why did the submarine join a gym? It wanted to work on its “sea-abs.”
  • How does a submarine listen to music? With its “sea-sound” system.
  • Why did the submarine become a musician? Because it had a great “sea-nse” of rhythm.
  • What do you call a submarine that’s been to every ocean? A well-traveled sub-mariner.
  • Why did the submarine become a detective? It wanted to solve the mystery of the missing shipwrecks.
  • What do submarines use to communicate underwater? “Morse water.”
  • Why did the submarine go to school? To become a “sub”-marine biologist!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite dessert? “Deep-sea” chocolate cake.
  • Why did the submarine bring a map to the ocean? It didn’t want to get “lost” at sea!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite hobby? “Deep-sea” diving for treasure.
  • Why did the submarine visit the doctor? It was feeling a bit “under the weather.”
  • How does a submarine keep its crew entertained? With “sea-riously” funny jokes!
  • What do you call a submarine that’s always happy? A buoyant submarine!
  • Why did the submarine get stuck in traffic? It couldn’t find a “sea”-son to move.
  • What do submarines use to cook underwater? A “sea-food” grill.
  • Why did the submarine go to the party alone? It didn’t want to bring along any “sea-men.”
  • What do you call a submarine with a great sense of direction? A compassionate sub.
  • Why was the submarine always late for meetings? It had trouble navigating the “sea” of deadlines.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite type of music? “Ska”-bmarine!
  • Why did the submarine go to the library? It wanted to borrow some “sea” novels.
  • What do submarines use to fix leaks? “Sea-lant” tape, of course!
  • Why did the submarine become a chef? It loved cooking with “sea-soned” ingredients.
  • How does a submarine make phone calls? With its “cell”-ular device.
  • Why did the submarine become a lifeguard? It wanted to rescue sinking ships.
  • What do you call a submarine with a cold? A “snot”-marine!
  • Why did the submarine become a comedian? It had a knack for delivering “deep” jokes.
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite movie? “The Hunt for Red October!”
  • Why did the submarine go to the party dressed as a pirate? It wanted to show off its “sea”-worthy costume.

Read More:  Octopus Puns, Jokes And One-Liners

Read More:  Avocado Puns, Jokes And One-Liners

Funny Submarine One-Liners

  • Why did the submarine bring a ladder? In case it wanted to go deep-sea diving!
  • What do you call a submarine that tells jokes? A pun-derwater vessel!
  • How does a submarine say hello? It waves!
  • Why did the submarine blush? It saw the ocean’s bottom!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite movie? “The Hunt for Red October!”
  • Why did the submarine refuse to play hide and seek? It always gets torpedo-ed!
  • What did the ocean say to the submarine? Nothing, it just waved!
  • Why did the submarine join a band? It wanted to be part of a deep-sea choir!
  • Why was the submarine so popular? It had a great depth of personality!
  • What did the submarine say to the fish? “Can I give you a lift?”
  • Why did the submarine wear glasses? To improve its depth perception!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite kind of music? Something with a good beat, of course!
  • Why did the submarine bring a map underwater? It wanted to sea its options!
  • How do submarines communicate? They use sonar-ly jokes!
  • Why was the submarine so good at math? It could count on its periscope!
  • Why did the submarine get in trouble at school? It was too deep for its own good!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite sport? Water polo!
  • Why did the submarine break up with its girlfriend? It said she was too shallow!
  • What did the submarine bring to the party? A buoyant personality!
  • Why did the submarine go to therapy? It had too many deep-sea issues!
  • How does a submarine keep in touch with friends? It sends underwater messages!
  • Why did the submarine become a chef? It wanted to explore new depths of flavor!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite type of sandwich? A sub, of course!
  • Why did the submarine go to the dentist? It had a cavity below sea level!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a sub-plot!
  • Why did the submarine become a comedian? It loved making waves with its jokes!
  • How does a submarine play games? It goes deep into the competition!
  • Why did the submarine become a detective? It loved solving underwater mysteries!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite hobby? Deep-sea diving!
  • Why did the submarine go to school? It wanted to be a well-rounded vessel!
  • What did the submarine say to the iceberg? “You’re breaking the ice!”
  • Why did the submarine become a teacher? It wanted to educate the next generation of sailors!
  • How does a submarine stay warm in cold waters? It wears a thermal jacket!
  • Why did the submarine go on a diet? It wanted to be a little more buoyant!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite game? Battleship!
  • Why did the submarine bring a pillow to the ocean? It wanted to sleep with the fishes!
  • What’s a submarine’s favorite TV show? “Under the Sea with Jacques Cousteau!”
  • Why did the submarine become a gardener? It wanted to grow seaweed!
  • What did the submarine say to the ocean floor? “I’ve got you covered!”
  • Why did the submarine go to the party alone? It didn’t want to be lost at sea

Final Words

So, whether you’re a submarine enthusiast or just enjoy a good laugh, I hope these underwater jokes brought a smile to your face! 🚢💬 Remember to share the laughter with your friends and family – after all, jokes are like ocean currents, they’re best when shared! 🌊😄 Until next time, keep diving into the sea of laughter and spreading joy wherever you go! 🐠🤣

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