235+ Dim Sum Jokes & Puns: Serving Up A Side Of Humor With Your Dumplings


“Welcome to the ultimate feast of humour! Get ready to dig into a steaming basket of fun with over 235 delicious dim sum jokes and puns. Whether you’re a dim sum aficionado or just craving a side of laughter with your dumplings, this collection has something for everyone.

 From steamed buns to crispy spring rolls, prepare to have your appetite for laughter satisfied. So grab your chopsticks and get ready to indulge in a hearty serving of humour!”

Get Ready To ‘Dim Sum’ Fun With These Handpicked Puns And Jokes!

Tickle Your Taste Buds & Funny Bone: Dim Sum One-Liner Jokes!

  • Dim sum is like a treasure chest for your stomach!
  • Eating dim sum is like a game of culinary roulette – you never know what delicious surprise you’ll get next!
  • Why did the dumpling blush? Because it saw the soy sauce!
  • Steamed buns are proof that great things come in small packages.
  • I tried to make dim sum at home, but it turned into a dumpling disaster!
  • Eating dim sum is like a tasty puzzle – each piece fits perfectly into your belly.
  • Why did the shrimp dumpling break up with the crab dumpling? They just didn’t mesh well together!
  • Soup dumplings are like little parcels of joy that explode in your mouth.
  • Dim sum is the ultimate comfort food – it’s like a warm hug for your taste buds.
  • Why don’t dim sum ever play hide and seek? Because they’re always steamed!
  • I’m on a strict diet, but it’s hard to resist all of these dim sumplings!
  • Siu mai is the superhero of dumplings – always ready to save your hunger cravings!
  • Why did the tofu roll go to school? To get a little edumacation!
  • Eating dim sum is like a mini food adventure – each bite is a journey to flavor town.
  • Char siu bao is like a fluffy cloud filled with porky goodness.
Char siu bao is like a fluffy cloud filled with porky goodness.
  • Why did the dumpling go to the doctor? It was a little wonton!
  • Eating dim sum is a communal experience – it’s like a delicious bonding ritual.
  • Har gow is proof that good things come to those who steam.
  • Why did the wonton blush? Because it saw the noodle strip!
  • Eating dim sum is like a symphony for your taste buds – each dish plays a different delicious note.
  • Xiao long bao is the magician of dumplings – it’s like a soup and a dumpling all in one!
  • Why did the dumpling go to the dance? Because it wanted to be the life of the party!
  • Eating dim sum is like a journey through the flavours of China – each dish tells a different culinary story.
  • Spring rolls are like little flavour fireworks for your mouth.
  • Why did dim sum become a detective? Because it wanted to uncover the mystery of the missing flavours!

Steaming Up The Laughs: Q&A Jokes & Puns About Dim Sum!

  • Why was the dumpling late for dinner? It took too long to wrap up its filling!
  • What did the soup say to the dumpling? You’re so dumpling, you make me feel bowl over!
  • How does a pork bun apologise? It says, “I’m sow-ry!”
  • Why did the steamed bun turn red? It saw the dumpling’s filling and got bun-fused!
  • What did the dumpling say to the chopsticks? Stop sticking around, I’m trying to eat here!
  • Why did the sesame ball go to school? It wanted to be a little more well-rounded!
  • What’s a dumpling’s favourite kind of music? Wrapsody in Blue!
  • Why did the wonton go to therapy? It had too many “wanton” desires!
  • How do dumplings communicate? Through their fillings!
  • Why did the steamed bun become an artist? It wanted to make dough-nuts!
  • What did the dumpling say when it won the race? I’m on a roll!
  • Why did the soup dumpling blush? It saw the soy sauce undressing!
  • What do you call a dim sum detective? Sherlock Holmes!
  • Why was the dumpling a great comedian? It had perfect delivery!
  • What did the shrimp dumpling say to the crab dumpling? You’re quite a “catch”!
  • Why was the steamed bun so good at maths? It knew all the “dough”!
  • What did the dumpling wear to the party? A “wonton” disguise!
What did the dumpling wear to the party? A "wonton" disguise!
  • Why did the dumpling refuse to fight? It was afraid of getting “bun”-ched up!
  • What did the dumpling say when it couldn’t find its filling? I’m feeling empty inside!
  • Why did the soup dumpling get promoted? It was filled with potential!
  • What did the dumpling say to the waiter? Can you “wrap” this up for me?
  • Why did the steamed bun break up with the soup dumpling? It couldn’t handle the “heat”!
  • What’s a dumpling’s favourite movie? The Shawshank Wonton!
  • Why did the dim sum chef get a medal? He was outstanding in his field!
  • Why did the dumpling go to school? It wanted to be a little “bun”-brighter!

Get Ready To Ho-Ho-Hum Along With These Hilarious Dad Jokes About Dim Sum

  • Why did the dim sum blush? Because it saw the soy sauce!
  • What do you call a dim sum that’s always running late? A steamed bun-dle of tardiness!
  • How do you make a dim sum laugh? Give it a little attention!
  • Why don’t dim sum make good lawyers? Because they always fold under pressure!
  • What’s a dim sum’s favorite type of music? Wonton tunes!
  • Why did the dim sum bring a ladder to the restaurant? To reach its dumpling aspirations!
  • What do you call a dim sum with a secret? A dumpling in disguise!
  • Why did dim sum become a detective? To solve the mystery of the missing sauce!
  • What’s dim sum’s favourite game? Steamy hide and seek!
  • Why was the dim sum always the life of the party? Because it never ran out of puns!
  • How do dim sum greet each other? With a bao-njour!
  • What’s dim sum’s favourite sport? Wonton-ball!
What's dim sum's favourite sport? Wonton-ball!
  • Why did the dim sum refuse to fight? Because it was a pacifist!
  • What did the dim sum say to the chef? “You’re on a roll!”
  • Why did the dim sum go to therapy? To steam out its emotional issues!
  • What do you call a dim sum that’s lost its way? A dumpling in distress!
  • Why did the dim sum get a job at the bakery? It wanted to roll in dough!
  • What’s dim sum’s favourite movie? The Empire Buns Back!
  • Why don’t dim sum like to gamble? Because they’re afraid of getting steamed!
  • What’s a dim sum’s favourite type of book? A wonton thriller!
  • Why was the dim sum always tiring? It spent all night rolling around!
  • What do you call a dim sum that’s afraid of heights? A wonton-ed chicken.
  • Why did the dim sum go to school? To get a degree in deliciousness!
  • What’s dim sum’s favourite social media platform? Insta-dumpling!
  • Why did the dim sum break up with its girlfriend? She was too steamy!

Tickle Your Funny Bone With ‘Dim Sum’ Puns & Jokes For Kids!

  • Why did the dumpling bring a flashlight? Because it wanted to be a dim-sum spotlight!
  • What did the steamed bun say to the dumpling? You’re on a roll today!
  • How do you know if a bao is shy? It’ll always be steaming up!
  • What did the soup dumpling say to the hungry person? You’re on birth control! **
  • How do you make Xiaolongbao laugh? Tell it a Souper funny joke!
  • Why did the dumpling refuse to fight? Because it was on a fulfilling peace mission!
  • What do you call a dim sum that can sing? A tuneover bun!
  • Why did the steamed bun go to the doctor? It had a case of filling poorly!
  • What do you call a dumpling in a hurry? Fast food!
  • Why did the bao cross the road? To get to the other side dish!
  • What do you call a dim sum with a lot of attitude? A bun with a punch!
  • How do bao greet each other? With a steamy hello!
  • What did the dumpling say when it won the race? I’m on a roll!
  • Why did the steamed bun go to school? To get a degree in culinary arts!
  • What’s bao’s favourite type of music? Wrap music!
  • Why did the soup dumpling go to the party? To get its fill of fun!
  • How do dumplings communicate? Through filling gestures!
  • Why don’t Xiaolongbao like to tell secrets? Because they always end up spilling the broth!
  • What’s dim sum’s favourite game? Baoling!
  • Why was the dumpling a good student? It was always steaming ahead!
  • What do you call a steamed bun with a cold? A sniffle bun!
  • Why did the bao get a job at the bakery? Because it was on a roll!
  • What’s a soup dumpling’s favourite sport? Brothing!
  • Why did the dumpling sit in the corner? Because it was a little folded up!

Dig Into These Hilarious Quotes About Dim Sum!

  • “Dim sum: where every bite tells a story, usually one of deliciousness.”
  • “Life is short, eat the dim sum first.”
"Life is short, eat the dim sum first.
  • “Dumplings: proof that good things come in small, tasty packages.”
  • “In dim sum, every steam basket holds a little piece of happiness.”
  • “Forget diamonds, dim sum is a girl’s best friend.”
  • “Steamed to perfection: dim sum that melts in your mouth and warms your soul.”
  • “Dim sum: the ultimate comfort food, wrapped in a delicate dumpling.”
  • “Eating dim sum is like a culinary adventure with every bite.”
  • “If you haven’t tried dim sum, you haven’t truly lived.”
  • “Dim sum: where flavors dance on your palate like a joyous celebration.”
  • “In a world full of choices, always choose dim sum.”
  • “There’s no problem a plate of dim sum can’t solve.”
  • “Dim sum: a delicious way to dim the stress of everyday life.”
  • “Life is uncertain, eat dim sum first.”
  • “Dim sum: bringing people together, one dumpling at a time.”
  • “Eating dim sum is like getting a warm hug from the inside.”
  • “In dim sum, every bite is a small moment of culinary bliss.”
  • “Dim sum: the art of turning dough and filling into edible masterpieces.”
  • “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy dim sum, and that’s kind of the same thing.”
  • “Dim sum: because life’s too short for boring food.”
  • “Some say money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy dim sum, and that’s pretty close.”
  • “Dim sum: where steaming baskets hold the promise of delicious surprises.”
  • “Eating dim sum is like taking a delicious journey through culinary heaven.”
  • “In dim sum, every bite is a tiny explosion of flavor.”
  • “The only thing better than dim sum is more dim sum.”

Sailor Puns & Jokes One Liner I Data Guide

Dim Summing Up Life With Hilarious Proverbs: Laugh Your Way Through The Meal

  • Life’s too short to skip dim sum; it’s a feast of laughter and flavours.
  • Steaming hot dumplings and sizzling humour make for a perfect combo.
  • A table full of friends and a basket full of dumplings guarantee a memorable meal.
  • Gobbling down dim sum is like embracing life’s little joys.
  • Sharing dumplings is sharing smiles; the more, the merrier!
  • Laughter is the best seasoning for any dim sum spread.
  • When life gives you dumplings, share them and spread the cheer.
  • A dumpling in hand is worth two in the steamer, but sharing is even better.
  • Chopsticks in one hand, laughter in the other; that’s how we dim sum.
  • Dim sum is like a joke; it’s better when shared with friends.
  • Bite into a dumpling and savour the taste of happiness.
  • Clamour around the dim sum table is music to the soul.
  • Giggles and dumplings make the perfect recipe for happiness.
  • Sharing dim sum is like sharing secrets; it strengthens bonds.
  • Overflowing tea and overflowing laughter make dim sum unforgettable.
  • Dim sum: where every bite is a punchline and every laugh a delight.
  • A dim sum meal without laughter is like a dumpling without filling—incomplete.
  • Clink your tea cups and let the laughter echo around the table.
  • Dim sum is not just about filling the stomach; it’s about filling the heart with joy.
  • Banter over dumplings is the spice that flavours life’s conversations.
  • Taste the laughter in every bite of dim sum.
  • Indulge in dumplings and indulge in laughter; life’s too short for anything less.
  • Savour the moment, savour the dim sum, and savour the laughter.
  • A dim sum shared is a dim sum cherished; it’s the joy of companionship.
  • Dim summing up life: one laugh, one dumpling at a time.

Pour On The Laughs Tequila Jokes & Puns

Steaming Up The Humour: A Collection Of ‘Dim Sum’ Double Entendres Puns

  • So you’re hungry? Let’s roll out some dim sum puns!
  • Eggcited for some laughter? Get ready to crack up!
  • Dumplings of joy await in this pun-filled feast.
  • Work and roll with these hilarious double entendres.
  • Steaming up the humour, one pun at a time.
  • Bao down to the pun master, serving up laughs.
  • Feeling saucy? These puns will satisfy your appetite.
  • Get ready to tear up from laughter, not spicy sauce!
  • Let’s bao-nce some puns around like a steamed bun.
  • These jokes are beautifully crafted for your enjoyment.
  • Rice to the occasion with some dim sum wordplay.
  • Don’t be shell-shocked by the pun overload!
  • Shrimply irresistible puns that’ll make you want more.
  • Savour the flavour of these witty double entendres.
  • Let’s wrap our minds around these puns, shall we?
  • Dive into a sea of laughter with these puns.
  • Get ready to noodle over these hilarious one-liners.
  • Chop chop! Let’s get to the punny business.
  • Sizzle with laughter as these jokes hit the skillet.
  • These puns are steamed to perfection for your enjoyment.
  • Bend over backwards for these laugh-inducing puns.
  • Tofu can’t resist chuckling at these dim sum delights.
  • Gyoza laughs at these puns? I bet you can’t!
  • Pork up your day with some savoury wordplay.
  • Feeling doughy after all these puns? It’s worth it!

Unleashing A Never-Ending Stream Of Deliciously Witty Recursive Puns About Dim Sum

  • Prepare to be steamed with laughter as we embark on a culinary journey of pun-derful proportions!
  • Roll up your sleeves and get ready to feast on an endless supply of tongue-in-cheek dim sum humor.
  • Dive into a sea of savory wordplay that’s as satisfying as a perfectly folded dumpling.
  • Let’s stir-fry our imaginations and serve up some pun-tastic delights that will leave you craving more.
  • Get ready to wok and roll with puns that are as fresh as the morning dim sum cart.
  • We’re on a roll – just like a freshly steamed dumpling – with puns that pack a flavorful punch.
  • Embark on a culinary adventure where every joke is as crispy and delightful as a golden spring roll.
  • Prepare for a taste sensation that’s as unforgettable as the first bite of your favorite dim sum dish.
  • Satisfy your hunger for humor with a never-ending parade of dim sum-themed puns that are simply delicious.
  • Join us as we take a deep dive into the world of dim sum, where every joke is a culinary masterpiece.
  • Indulge in a feast of laughter that’s as hearty and satisfying as a traditional dim sum brunch.
  • Treat your taste buds to a banquet of wit and wordplay that’s sure to leave you smiling.
  • Join the fun and let’s steam, fry, and bake our way through a world of deliciously witty puns.
  • Savor the flavor of puns that are as sweet and sticky as a delectable custard bun.
  • Get ready to chop, slice, and dice your way through a smorgasbord of pun-derful delights.
  • We’re on a roll – just like a freshly baked BBQ pork bun – with puns that are sure to hit the spot.
  • Join us as we explore the endless possibilities of dim sum humor – it’s a journey worth savoring.
  • Prepare for a taste explosion as we unleash a never-ending stream of deliciously witty puns.
  • Join the pun-derful party and let’s dim sum up some laughter that’s sure to leave you craving more.
  • Dig in and let’s dish out some puns that are as satisfying as a steaming hot bowl of wonton soup.
  • Get ready to spice up your day with puns that are as flavorful as a perfectly seasoned dim sum dish.
  • Join us as we roll out the red carpet for a feast of laughter that’s fit for an emperor.
  • Let’s steam things up with puns that are as steamy and delicious as a basket of fresh dumplings.
  • Prepare to be whisked away on a culinary adventure that’s as wild and unpredictable as a game of chopsticks.
  • Join us as we take a bite out of humor and discover a world of endless possibilities with dim sum puns that are simply unbeatable.

Dim Sum Who? Just A Little Joke To Spice Up Your Day!

  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Dumpling. Dumpling who? Dumpling to laugh at this joke!
  • What’s a dim sum’s favorite dance? The steamy shuffle!
  • How do you know if a dim sum likes you? It won’t stop wonton-ing your attention!
  • What’s a dim sum’s favorite sport? Wok-ey!
  • Why did the wonton go to school? To get a little bit wiser!
  • What did the soy sauce say to the dumpling? You complete me!
  • Why did the dumpling refuse to fight? It wanted to avoid a kno-wonton situation!
  • How does a dumpling answer the phone? “Wonton, it’s for you!”
  • Why don’t dim sum play hide and seek? They’re always steamed to be found!
  • What did the dumpling say to the chef? You’re on a roll!
  • Why did the dumpling go to the party? It heard there’d be a steamy affair!
  • What’s a dim sum’s favorite movie? Lord of the Spring Rolls!
  • Why did the wonton wear a sweater? It was a little chilly sauce outside!
  • What did the dumpling say to the chef? I’m on a roll!
  • Why was the dim sum so popular? It had a great wok ethic!
  • What’s a dim sum’s favorite game? Steam tag!
  • What do you call a sad dumpling? A sobao!
  • Why did the dumpling sit in the corner? Because it was a little wonton!
  • What’s a dim sum’s favorite subject in school? History – it’s steeped in tradition!
  • Why did the dumpling go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit steamed!
  • What did the dim sum say to the steamer? Keep it coming, I’m on a roll!
  • Why did the dumpling bring a ladder to the restaurant? It wanted to reach new heights!
  • What did one dumpling say to the other at the gym? Let’s get steamy!
  • Why was the dim sum so good at math? It knew how to sum things up!

Dim Sum Good, These Puns Are Gang Sum!

Dim Sum Good, These Puns Are Gang Sum! If you’re craving a delicious blend of Chinese cuisine and humor, then look no further! Prepare for a taste bud adventure as you indulge in a feast of wordplay served up with your favorite dim sum dishes.

 From steamed dumplings to crispy spring rolls, these puns are sure to leave you in stitches while you savor every bite. Get ready for a culinary experience that’s sum-thing special!”


Looking for a side of laughter with your dim sum? Look no further! With over 235 dim sum jokes and puns, we’ve got your humor cravings covered while you munch on those delectable dumplings. 

From witty wordplay to clever quips, our collection serves up a delightful blend of humor and culinary delight. 

So, whether you’re enjoying a steaming basket of har gow or sipping on some hot tea, these jokes are sure to add some extra flavor to your dim sum experience. Get ready to chuckle your way through your next meal!

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