280+Building Laughs Hilarious Construction Puns & Jokes

Construction sites may not seem like hubs of humor, but within the world of hard hats and heavy machinery lies a treasure trove of puns and jokes waiting to be unearthed.

Whether you’re a builder, an architect, or simply someone who appreciates a good laugh, these construction-themed puns and jokes are sure to nail it!

Cementing Smiles With Construction Puns & Jokes – Our Top Picks!

  • Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to work? Because he heard the job was on the rise!
  • What did the hammer say to the nail? You really nailed it!
  • Why don’t construction workers ever get lost? Because they always follow the blueprints!
  • How does a construction worker party? They raise the roof!

Building Up A Giggling Foundation With These Hilarious Construction Puns

  • Why did the construction worker bring a level to the party? To make sure things were on the level!
  • What did the screw say to the nut? You drive me nuts!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a pencil to the party? In case he needed to draw some attention!
  • How do construction workers stay in shape? They do a lot of heavy lifting!
  • Why did the construction worker become a poet? Because he wanted to build verse!
  • What’s a construction worker’s favorite type of dog? A bulldog!
What's a construction worker's favorite type of dog? A bulldog!
  • Why did the construction worker become a chef? Because he was good at building appetites!
  • What’s a construction worker’s favorite TV show? Tool Time!
  • Why did the construction worker become a musician? Because he wanted to build a band!
  • What did the construction worker say to the coffee? Fill ‘er up!
  • Why was the construction worker always the life of the party? Because he knew how to raise the roof!
  • What did the construction worker say to the drill? You really bore me!
  • Why did the construction worker become a comedian? Because he knew how to hammer out a joke!
  • What did the construction worker say to the elevator? Lift me up!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a tape measure to the beach? To measure the sand castles!
  • What’s a construction worker’s favorite game? Jenga!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a saw to the movie? To cut to the chase!
  • What did the construction worker say to the brick? You’re a real solid friend!
  • Why did the construction worker become a magician? Because he knew how to make buildings disappear!
  • What’s a construction worker’s favorite holiday? Labor Day!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a shovel to the party? To dig the vibe!
  • What did the construction worker say to the crane? You really lift my spirits!
  • Why did the construction worker become a gardener? Because he liked to plant the seeds of laughter!
  • What’s a construction worker’s favorite drink? Cement mixer!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a ruler to the concert? To measure the decibels!

Building Up Your Humor With These Construction Proverbs!

  • Measure twice, joke once!
  • Laughter is the best foundation!
  • A pun in the hand is worth two in the bush!
  • A good joke is like a well-built house—it stands the test of time!
  • You can’t hammer out a problem without a little humor!
  • Laughter is the mortar that holds friendships together!
  • The foundation of humor is built on puns and punchlines!
  • A day without laughter is like a day without sunshine on the construction site!
  • You can’t build a laugh without breaking a few puns!
  • When life gives you lemons, make lemonade—and add a twist of humor!
  • A construction worker’s toolbox isn’t complete without a sense of humor!
  • The higher the joke, the stronger the laughter!
  • A laugh a day keeps the stress away
a laugh a day keeps the stress away
  • You can’t pour from an empty joke book—fill it up with humor!
  • A well-constructed joke is a thing of beauty!
  • Laughter is the blueprint for a happy life!
  • You can’t build bridges without burning a few dad jokes!
  • The key to laughter is unlocking your sense of humor!
  • A joke a day keeps the doctor away—unless it’s a construction worker in need of medical attention!
  • The best jokes are built to last!
  • You can’t saw through a problem without a little humor to smooth the edges!
  • A laugh shared is a laugh doubled—especially on the construction site!
  • Humor is the glue that binds us together!
  • A well-timed pun is like a perfectly executed build—it leaves everyone in awe!
  • You can’t construct a funny bone without a little comedic scaffolding!

Fetch Some Laughs Dog Christmas Puns & Jokes!

Building Up Laughter: QnA Jokes & Puns About Construction

  1. Q: Why did the construction worker bring a pencil to the job site? A: To draw attention to detail!
  2. Q: How does a construction worker talk to ghosts? A: They use a spirit level!
  3. Q: Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the dance? A: Because they heard the music was off the charts.
  • Q: Why did the construction worker become a comedian? A: Because he knew how to nail the punchlines!
  • Q: Why was the construction worker always tired on Mondays? A: Because he had a lot of ground to cover!
  • Q: How does a construction worker apologize? A: He says, “I’m sorry if I built up too much tension!”
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a map to the party? A: Because he heard the jokes were all over the place!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a drill to the beach? A: To make sure his sandcastles had a solid foundation!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a wrench to the soccer game? A: In case there was a tie!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker become a musician? A: Because he knew how to build a chord!
  • Q: Why was the construction worker always the first to leave the party? A: Because he knew when to call it a night—before the roof caved in!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a shovel to the concert? A: Because he heard the music was groundbreaking!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a level to the marathon? A: To make sure everyone was on the right track!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a hammer to the movie theater? A: In case he needed to nail the plot!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker become a gardener? A: Because he liked to plant jokes and watch them grow!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a tape measure to the zoo? A: To see how long the elephant’s trunk was!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a calculator to the party? A: To make sure the jokes added up!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker become a detective? A: Because he had a knack for solving foundation problems!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a saw to the baseball game? A: To cut through the tension in the air!
Q: Why did the construction worker bring a saw to the baseball game? A: To cut through the tension in the air!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a level to the gym? A: To make sure his workouts were balanced!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker become a chef? A: Because he knew how to build flavor!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a wrench to the chess tournament? A: To tighten up his game!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the bar? A: Because he heard the drinks were on the house!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker become a poet? A: Because he knew how to build verse with just the right amount of structure!
  • Q: Why did the construction worker bring a flashlight to the comedy show? A: In case he needed to shed some light on the punchlines!

Building A Laugh With These Dad Jokes & Puns About Construction!

  • Why did the dad joke about construction take so long? Because it had to build up to the punchline!
  • Why was the dad joke about construction so heavy? Because it had a lot of concrete evidence!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction go viral? Because it was a real building block for humor!
  • Why was the dad joke about construction always late? Because it couldn’t get its timing down to a fine finish!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction wear a hard hat? Because it was worried about falling flat!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction always carry a toolbox? Because it liked to hammer home its punchlines!
  • Why was the dad joke about construction so popular? Because it really nailed the humor!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become an architect? Because it had a knack for building laughs!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction get a promotion? Because it rose to the occasion!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a foreman? Because it knew how to lay down the law of laughter!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction get a raise? Because it built a solid case for humor!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction bring a tape measure to the party? Because it wanted to measure up to expectations!
  • Why was the dad joke about construction always so straight-laced? Because it couldn’t handle any crooked humor!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a carpenter? Because it had a real knack for framing the punchline!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction bring a blueprint to the comedy club? Because it wanted to sketch out the perfect laugh!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become an engineer? Because it knew how to bridge the gap between humor and construction!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction bring a level to the picnic? Because it wanted to make sure the humor was on solid ground!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a surveyor? Because it knew how to map out the territory of laughter!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a welder? Because it liked to fuse together elements of humor!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a plumber? Because it knew how to keep the humor flowing!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a demolition expert? Because it knew how to bring the house down with laughter!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a bricklayer? Because it knew how to build a wall of humor!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a crane operator? Because it liked to lift spirits with its humor!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become an electrician? Because it knew how to spark laughter!
  • Why did the dad joke about construction become a landscaper? Because it liked to plant seeds of humor and watch them grow!

Building Up Laughs: Construction Double Entendres Puns

  • Why did the construction worker become a gardener? Because he wanted to lay some pipe—of the comedic variety!
  • Why did the construction worker become a chef? Because he knew how to stir things up—both in the kitchen and in conversation!
  • Why did the construction worker become a musician? Because he had a knack for hitting the right notes—whether it was on the guitar or in a joke!
  • Why did the construction worker become an artist? Because he knew how to draw laughs—along with blueprints!
  • Why did the construction worker become a detective? Because he had a talent for uncovering mysteries—and hilarious punchlines!
  • Why did the construction worker become a doctor? Because he knew how to diagnose a case of the giggles—and prescribe laughter as the best medicine!
  • Why did the construction worker become a pilot? Because he knew how to take humor to new heights—literally and figuratively!
  • Why did the construction worker become a farmer? Because he knew how to cultivate laughs—along with crops!
  • Why did the construction worker become a magician? Because he had a magic touch when it came to making people laugh—and buildings disappear!
  • Why did the construction worker become a librarian? Because he knew how to check out jokes—and return them with interest!
  • Why did the construction worker become a scientist? Because he had a formula for funny—and it was always a solid experiment! 
  • Why did the construction worker become a firefighter? Because he knew how to extinguish boredom—and ignite laughter!
  • Why did the construction worker become a lawyer? Because he knew how to argue his case—and crack a joke in court!
  • Why did the construction worker become a teacher? Because he had a lesson plan for laughter—and knew how to school people in humor!
  • Why did the construction worker become a banker? Because he knew how to make a deposit of jokes—and withdraw laughs with interest!
  • Why did the construction worker become a movie director? Because he knew how to script humor—and direct a blockbuster of laughs!
  • Why did the construction worker become a sailor? Because he knew how to navigate the seas of comedy—and anchor his jokes in humor!
  • Why did the construction worker become a chef? Because he knew how to cook up laughs—and serve them with a side of humor!
  • Why did the construction worker become a musician? Because he knew how to orchestrate laughter—and hit all the right comedic notes!
  • Why did the construction worker become a painter? Because he knew how to brush up on jokes—and create a masterpiece of humor!
  • Why did the construction worker become a gardener? Because he knew how to plant seeds of laughter—and watch them bloom into jokes!
  • Why did the construction worker become a pilot? Because he knew how to fly high with humor—and land jokes with precision!
Why did the construction worker become a pilot? Because he knew how to fly high with humor—and land jokes with precision!
  • Why did the construction worker become a detective? Because he knew how to crack the case of boredom—and solve mysteries with a punchline!
  • Why did the construction worker become a doctor? Because he knew how to diagnose a case of the blues—and prescribe laughter as the best medicine!
  • Why did the construction worker become a magician? Because he knew how to perform tricks with humor—and make laughter disappear into every corner of the room!

Building Up The Laughs: Recursive Puns About Construction

  • Why did the construction worker bring a blueprint to the construction site? Because he wanted to build a joke about building jokes!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a level to the construction site? Because he wanted to ensure his recursive puns were on the level!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a hammer to the construction site? Because he needed to nail down the concept of recursion!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the construction site? Because he wanted to climb to new heights of recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a saw to the construction site? Because he needed to cut through the layers of recursion!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a wrench to the construction site? Because he needed to tighten up the recursive loops!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a shovel to the construction site? Because he wanted to dig deep into the world of recursive puns!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a tape measure to the construction site? Because he needed to measure the dimensions of his recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a drill to the construction site? Because he needed to drill down into the core of recursion!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a cement mixer to the construction site? Because he needed to mix up some fresh batches of recursive jokes!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a flashlight to the construction site? Because he needed to shine a light on the depths of recursion!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a crane to the construction site? Because he needed to lift the heavy burden of recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a jackhammer to the construction site? Because he needed to break through the barriers of ordinary jokes and dive deep into the world of recursion!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the construction site? Because he wanted to climb to new heights of recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a forklift to the construction site? Because he needed to lift the layers of recursion to reveal the core of laughter!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a wheelbarrow to the construction site? Because he needed to carry away the loads of laughs generated by his recursive puns!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a bulldozer to the construction site? Because he needed to bulldoze through the obstacles to reach the heart of recursion!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a generator to the construction site? Because he needed to power up the machinery of recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a megaphone to the construction site? Because he needed to amplify the echoes of recursive laughter!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the construction site? Because he wanted to climb to new heights of recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a crane to the construction site? Because he needed to lift the heavy burden of recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a jackhammer to the construction site? Because he needed to break through the barriers of ordinary jokes and dive deep into the world of recursion!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the construction site? Because he wanted to climb to new heights of recursive humor!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a forklift to the construction site? Because he needed to lift the layers of recursion to reveal the core of laughter!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a wheelbarrow to the construction site? Because he needed to carry away the loads of laughs generated by his recursive puns!

Construction Worker Puns, Jokes And One-Liners

Building Up Laughter: Construction Juxtaposition Jokes

  • Why did the construction worker become a comedian? Because he knew how to juxtapose humor with hard hats!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a wrench to the comedy club? Because he wanted to juxtapose punchlines with plumbing!
  • Why did the construction worker become an artist? Because he knew how to juxtapose brush strokes with blueprints!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a level to the theater? Because he wanted to juxtapose drama with drywall!
  • Why did the construction worker become a musician? Because he knew how to juxtapose melodies with masonry!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the concert? Because he wanted to juxtapose music with metalwork!
  • Why did the construction worker become a chef? Because he knew how to juxtapose flavors with framing!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a hammer to the art gallery? Because he wanted to juxtapose sculpture with scaffolding!
  • Why did the construction worker become a magician? Because he knew how to juxtapose illusions with infrastructure!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a tape measure to the zoo? Because he wanted to juxtapose wildlife with woodworking!
  • Why did the construction worker become a gardener? Because he knew how to juxtapose plants with plumbing!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a level to the picnic? Because he wanted to juxtapose sandwiches with shingles!
  • Why did the construction worker become a scientist? Because he knew how to juxtapose experiments with excavation!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a saw to the baseball game? Because he wanted to juxtapose strikeouts with stud-finding!
  • Why did the construction worker become a librarian? Because he knew how to juxtapose literature with load-bearing!
  • Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the bar? Because he wanted to juxtapose cocktails with concrete!
  • Why did the construction worker become a farmer? Because he knew how to juxtapose crops with cranes! 
  • Why did the construction worker bring a level to the beach? Because he wanted to juxtapose waves with woodworking!
  •  Why did the construction worker become a pilot? Because he knew how to juxtapose flights with framing!
  •  Why did the construction worker bring a hammer to the picnic? Because he wanted to juxtapose ants with anchors!
  •  Why did the construction worker become a teacher? Because he knew how to juxtapose lessons with lumber!
  •  Why did the construction worker bring a ladder to the movie theater? Because he wanted to juxtapose blockbusters with building blocks!
  • Why did the construction worker become a doctor? Because he knew how to juxtapose medicine with masonry! 
  • Why did the construction worker bring a level to the park? Because he wanted to juxtapose playgrounds with plumbing! 
  • Why did the construction worker become a banker? Because he knew how to juxtapose investments with infrastructure!

Building Blooper Bonanza: Construction Malapropisms That Will Leave You Hammered With Laughter

  • “I’m not just a construction worker, I’m a concrete professional!” (construction worker)
  • “I’ve got a real knack for carpenting!” (carpentry)
  • “Let’s not jump the carp on this project!” (gunship)
  • “I need to measure the wall’s height and width, then I’ll calculate the square deer.” (square feet)
  • “I’ve got a great sense of cement!” (sense of humor)
  • “I need to lay some bricks for this laugh foundation!” (brick)
  • “We need to be careful with those electrical wires, we don’t want to start a fuse!” (fire)
  • “I’m feeling a bit under the hammer today.” (weather)
  • “This job is a real window in the pan!” (window of opportunity)
  • “I’m the drill sergeant of humor!” (drill)
  • “I’m going to level with you, this joke is going to rock your foundation!” (level)
  • “I’ve got the blueprint for laughter!” (blueprint)
  • “I’m not just any construction worker, I’m a master of pane!” (pain)
  • “I’m feeling a bit bolt today.” (bolt)
  • “I’ve got a real screw loose for comedy!” (screw)
  • “This joke is a real steel!” (steal)
  • “I’ve got a concrete plan for humor!” (concrete)
  • “Let’s nail down this joke and hang it on the wall of comedy!” (nail)
  • “I’m the mortar that holds this humor together!” (mortar)
  • “I’ve got a real beam of laughter!” (beam)
  • “I’m not just any construction worker, I’m the foreman of funny!” (foreman)
  • “I’m going to measure the length and width of this joke, then calculate the square heel.” (square feet)
  • “I’ve got a real talent for dry-walling!” (drywall)
  • “This joke is going to concrete your ribs!” (concrete)
  • “I’m not just any construction worker, I’m the jack-of-all-trades of humor!” (jackhammer)

Constructing Hilarious Tom Swifties: A Blueprint For Laughter

  • “I love construction work,” said Tom swiftly, with a hammer in hand.
  • “I can’t find my tool belt,” Tom said wrench-fully.
  • “This blueprint is perfect,” Tom said with measured tones.
  • “I’ll need more concrete for this project,” Tom said solidly.
  • “I forgot my hard hat,” Tom said with a heady sigh.
  • “I love building jokes,” Tom said with a laugh foundation.
  • “The roof is leaking again,” Tom said with a drip in his voice.
  • “I can’t find my drill,” Tom said boringly.
  • “This job is a real nail-biter,” Tom said with a gripping tale.
  • “I’m feeling a bit under the weather,” Tom said with a falling barometer.
  • “I need to measure twice,” Tom said with a tape taut.
  • “I’ve got a screw loose,” Tom said with a twist.
  • “This job is really shaping up,” Tom said with angular precision.
  • “I’m all tied up with this project,” Tom said with a knot in his voice.
  • “I’ve got the right angle on this joke,” Tom said with geometric flair.
  • “I’m feeling a bit flat today,” Tom said with a level gaze.
  • “I’m going to dig deep for this punchline,” Tom said with a shovel-ready attitude.
  • “This joke is a real pipe dream,” Tom said with plumbing wisdom.
  • “I’m in a bit of a jam,” Tom said with a sticky situation.
  • “I’m feeling like I’m on solid ground with this joke,” Tom said with foundational certainty.
  • “I’m going to raise the roof with this one,” Tom said with lofty aspirations.
  • “I’m feeling like I’m on cloud nine,” Tom said with a high-flying attitude.
  • “I’m going to nail this punchline,” Tom said with a driving force.
  • “I’m feeling like I’m on top of the world,” Tom said with peak excitement.
  • “I’m going to lay the groundwork for this joke,” Tom said with foundational intent.

Constructing Comical Confusion: Spoonerisms About Construction

  • “I need to shingle the tat,” said Bob, meaning “I need to tingle the chat.”
  • “Let’s drill the kill!” said Sam, intending to say, “Let’s kill the drill!”
  • “The beam is stumped,” exclaimed Dave, trying to convey, “The team is bumped.”
  • “I’ll fetch the hairball,” chuckled Joe, mistaking “I’ll fetch the bear hall.”
  • “Let’s lay the black,” suggested Tim, actually meaning, “Let’s play the back.”
  • “We need more hammers for the site,” mused Greg, intending, “We need more banners for the height.”
  • “This drill is heavy,” groaned Alex, actually trying to say, “This hill is dreary.”
  • “I’ll grab the ladder,” announced Matt, meaning to say, “I’ll grab the bladder.”
  • “The window is paneless,” sighed Chris, mistakenly trying to say, “The window is painless.”
  • “Hand me the tool belt,” requested Mike, intending to say, “Hand me the boot tell.”
  • “Let’s pour the cement,” exclaimed Steve, actually meaning, “Let’s sour the cement.”
  • “The site is buzzing,” laughed Jake, actually intending, “The light is fuzzing.”
  • “I’ll handle the blueprint,” assured Tom, actually meaning, “I’ll candle the blueprint.”
  • “The ladder is top-heavy,” observed Dan, actually trying to say, “The bladder is hop-teavy.”
  • “We need more nails,” shouted Rick, mistaking “We need more males.”
"We need more nails," shouted Rick, mistaking "We need more males."
  • “The brick is “The brick is solid,” muttered Ben, intending to say, “The sick is brolid.” 
  • “The roof is leaking,” sighed Max, mistakenly trying to say, “The loaf is reeking.”
  •  “We need to lay the foundation,” stated Peter, actually meaning, “We need to fray the foundation.” 
  • “I’ll fetch the ladder,” declared John, mistakenly intending, “I’ll fetch the lather.” 
  • “The beam is strong,” stated Rob, actually trying to say, “The steam is brong.”
  • “Hand me the hammer,” requested Bill, mistaking “Hand me the hamber.” 
  • “Let’s build the wall,” suggested Harry, mistakenly intending, “Let’s wild the ball.” 
  • “The drill is loud,” exclaimed Fred, actually meaning, “The dill is rowed.” 
  • “We need to nail it down,” remarked Larry, mistakenly trying to say, “We need to dale it gown.”
  • “The tool is rusty,” observed Sam, intending to say, “The stool is trusty.”

Construct A Laugh With These Knock-Knock Jokes About Construction!

  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Screw. Screw who? Screw up and you might need a new blueprint!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Saw. Saw who? Saw a great pun and couldn’t resist!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Drill. Drill who? Drill me in on the joke, I’m all ears!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Hammer. Hammer who? Hammer out this joke with me and we’ll nail it!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Brick. Brick who? Brick by brick, we’ll build the foundation of laughter!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Level. Level who? Level with me, is this joke going to be hilarious?
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tape. Tape who? Tape up those sides, we’ve got a joke about to burst!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ladder. Ladder who? Ladder me in on the joke, I want to climb to the punchline!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cement. Cement who? Cement your place in comedy history with this joke!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Beam. Beam who? Beam me up, Scotty, this joke is out of this world!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pipe. Pipe who? Pipe down and listen, this joke is piping hot!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Wrench. Wrench who? Wrench yourself for a laugh, this joke is coming in fast!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Blueprint. Blueprint who? Blueprint your day, because laughter is on the agenda!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Nail. Nail who? Nail this joke and we’ll hang it up for everyone to enjoy!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Plank. Plank who? Plank yourself down, this joke is about to floor you!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Shovel. Shovel who? Shovel up the laughter, we’ve got a joke to unearth!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Crane. Crane who? Crane your neck, because this joke is going to lift your spirits!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Concrete. Concrete who? Concrete your place in comedy history with a hearty laugh!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Screwdriver. Screwdriver who? Screwdriver this joke into place, it’s about to twist your funny bone!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Bulldozer. Bulldozer who? Bulldozer through this joke, we’ve got laughter to spread!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Bricks. Bricks who? Bricks and mortar, let’s build some humor together!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Hard hat. Hard hat who? Hard hat on, because this joke is about to knock your socks off!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Plaster. Plaster who? Plaster this joke on your wall of favorites—it’s a keeper!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pliers. Pliers who? Pliers ready, because this joke is about to grip you with laughter!
  • Knock, knock. Who’s there? Bulldozer. Bulldozer who? I bulldoze through barriers to deliver great jokes—open up!


In conclusion, the world of construction is not only about building structures but also building laughter. From cementing smiles with witty puns to constructing comical confusion with spoonerisms, there’s no shortage of humor on the job site.

As we’ve explored in this article, construction-themed jokes and puns offer a creative outlet for humor, providing a blueprint for endless laughter.

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